IV International City and Philosophy Congress. Movement(s) and Identity Dodane 30.06.2024

IV International City and Philosophy Congress. Movement(s) and Identity

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IV International City and Philosophy Congress Western philosophy can be argued to have originated from the cities, among other factors, as a response to the challenges that the city as a space, a technical object and as a community brought with itself. However, when facing the question about the nature of the city itself, it is difficult to provide an answer, due to the city’s heterogeneity, evading clear definition. It cannot be understood solely as an architectural model or a static political organization; rather, it is a human space, inextricably linked to the human agents on the eternal movement(s) of various kinds, where they come into interaction with human and non-human Others. Thus, both: the exploration of the human identity and the urban identity of a place is crucial to the consideration of the identity problem in the context of cities. The city can be said to be the space for exploring the self vs the Other dynamics, and for fostering empathy. It is especially important nowadays, when the cities are experiencing the dynamization of the social space caused by massive and varied migrations, whether we are talking of economic or scientific mobility, or the refugees fleeing war and natural disasters or climate change consequences. It appears that the city always has to be thought of as the meeting space of various actors and realities. In the words of Eric Corijn (Brussels Urban Summit 2023), “a good city is one that we make together”. The aim of the IV Congress on Philosophy and the City: Movement(s) and Identity is to face the above-sketched challenges from philosophical, interdisciplinary and multicultural viewpoints. For abstract submission The title, abstract and keywords should be sent in Spanish and English. The abstract should have a minimum length of 250 words and a maximum of 275 words. The number of keywords will be 5. If the communication has been produced in the framework of a research project obtained in competitive concurrence, the information may be indicated in the section “observations” without counting in the number of words. It is compulsory to indicate the thematic line in which you want the abstract to be evaluated, and, voluntarily, a subsidiary thematic line in case the evaluation committee considers that the content of the communication does not fit with the thematic line to which it has been sent. The abstract must be sent to asociacionfilosofiayciudad@gmail.com Informację pochodzą ze strony: https://unikonferencje.pl/konferencja/15267-movement-s-and-identity


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