Photo and video competitions – Rules Dodane 21.06.2024

Photo and video competitions – Rules

- Cały etat
  • The competition is open to young (Up to the age of 26 (included)) non-professional photographers and film makers, who are nationals or residents of one of the 46 member States of the Council of Europe.
  • The featured themes and message conveyed are relevant to the subject of human rights in Europe, and preferably touch upon domains dealt with by the Council of Europe.
  • Participation in the contest is free.
  • Contestants may submit more than one photo or video entry in each competition category.
  • Each photograph or video must comply with the required technical specifications detailed below and be accompanied by a title.
  • Participants publish their entries on Instagram by tagging the Council of Europe official Instagram account (@councilofeurope) and using the unique hashtags #CoE75 ; #75CoECompetition ; #75CoECompetition­_AI
  • Use of AI tools or technology in the production of a photo or a video must be clearly indicated using the hashtag #75CoECompetition­_AIInformację pochodzą ze strony:


  • Mid
  • Cały etat

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