Stypendia doktoranckie na GSSI we Włoszech 2024 Dodane 20.05.2024

Stypendia doktoranckie na GSSI we Włoszech 2024

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The submission of an application to a GSSI PhD program has to be intended as an application to a selection procedure. The selection criteria are defined by the Selection Committees for each PhD program.Fellowships

All applicants admitted to the GSSI PhD courses will benefit of the GSSI fellowships, benefits and facilities, as detailed in the call for applications.Application Instructions

The application form is divided in 6 sections/steps. It is possible to save a draft of the application after each step using the Save button. Fields tagged with (*) are mandatory. In order to complete the application, you must submit it. Once submitted the application, you will receive a confirmation email containing a short summary of your application form. Please note that you cannot edit your application anymore once it has been submitted.

In order to fill out the application form, you will be required to upload the following documents:

  • a copy of the University degree certificate
  • an academic transcript (list of the courses attended at the University with grades)
  • a Curriculum Vitae
  • a copy of a valid Identity Document (ID) signed and dated

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