Stypendium doktoranckie na OIST (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology) 2024
The Graduate School accepts about 60 full-time graduate students per year. This ensures low numbers of students for each faculty member so that we can deliver best-in-the-world teaching to our graduate students. The basic requirement for the OIST Graduate Program is completion of a Bachelors, Masters, or equivalent degree prior to the admission date. Students may submit an application at any time. Your application will be considered at the next admissions committee meeting. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to the Admissions Selection, held online twice a year, as part of the selection process.
OIST strives to create and maintain an inclusive, equitable, and diverse environment that does not discriminate against gender, gender identity, gender expression, age, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, medical condition, race, ethnicity, ancestry, culture, national origin, religion, or marital status. Applications from women and other underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged. For more details, please refer to the OIST Graduate School Three Policies.
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