Stypendium im. Helmuta Veitha dla kobiet na studia informatyczne 2024
Helmut Veith Stipend
The Helmut Veith Stipend is awarded annually to exceptionally talented and motivated female students in the field of computer science who pursue (or plan to pursue) one of the master’s programs in Computer Science at TU Wien taught in English and have (or have the interest to develop) a solid mathematical and technical background in at least one of the areas in which Austrian scientist Helmut Veith worked.
The Helmut Veith Stipend is dedicated to the memory of Helmut Veith (1971-2016), an outstanding computer scientist who worked in the fields of logic in computer science, computer-aided verification, software engineering, and computer security. Helmut Veith, who tragically passed away in March 2016, was a strong advocate and mentor for women in computer science.
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