Stypendium STIAS dla naukowców 2024-2025 Dodane 17.03.2024

Stypendium STIAS dla naukowców 2024-2025

- Inne

STIAS provides and maintains an independent ‘creative space for the mind’ to advance the cause of science and scholarship across all disciplines. It is global in its reach and local in its African roots, and values original thinking and innovation in this context. No restriction is placed on the country of origin, discipline, or academic affiliation when STIAS considers a fellowship invitation. It encourages the cross-pollination of ideas across cultures, academic or otherwise, and hence gives preference to projects that will tap into, and benefit from, a multi-disciplinary discourse while also contributing unique perspectives to such a discourse. This interaction is fostered by inviting individual fellows or project teams where each team member is evaluated individually.

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Podobne oferty

Junior Business and Process Specialist

Doświadczenie Kraków

Lokalizacja Kraków

Płatne praktyki | Centrum Kompetencji Assurance

Doświadczenie Katowice

Lokalizacja Katowice

Płatne praktyki | Audyt Instytucji Finansowych

Doświadczenie Warszawa, Wrocław

Lokalizacja Warszawa, Wrocław

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