World Bank Scholarships Program Dodane 29.08.2024

World Bank Scholarships Program

- Inne
The World Bank’s Development Economics Vice Presidency (DEC) provides scholarships to students and young researchers, contributing to the World Bank’s mission of forging new dynamic approaches to capacity development and knowledge sharing in the developing world. It is an important component of the World Bank’s efforts to promote economic development and shared prosperity through investing in education, capacity building, and developing human resources in the developing world. Since 1982, the DEC’s scholarship programs have helped to form a pool of over 6,000 well-trained and experienced development professionals and scholars, transforming their countries and positively impacting future generations. Active Programs Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP): Since 1987, JJ/WBGSP has enabled more than 6,000 mid-career professionals from 160 developing countries and Japan to complete graduate degrees in development-related fields. On an annual basis, the Government of Japan solely funds the JJ/WBGSP. Robert S. McNamara Fellowships Program (RSMFP): Since 1982, RSMFP has provided support to young researchers on a wide variety of topics in development-related fields. Currently, the program connects promising young researchers to World Bank research, data resources, and tech­nical expertise. Selected fellows are hosted as a cohort at the World Bank in Washington D.C. and work on DEC research projects, receiving formal training and participating in policy relevant research. Inactive Program Japan Indonesia Presidential Scholarship Program (JIPS): This Program is no longer accepting applications. With a one-time $10 million grant from the Government of Japan, this scholarship supported three cohorts (2008–2010) of 43 Indonesian PhD students to study abroad under the sponsorship of one of the program’s ten partner Indonesian universities. This window is now closed to new applicants. Informację pochodzą ze strony:


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