About Foundation

Our Future Foundation's projects

Our Future Foundation projects support educational and professional development of young Poles by providing equal opportunities for people from less privileged environments.

The Foundation’s activities to date, including its leading Scholarship Programme, allowed many students to get to the top universities in Europe, Asia or the USA. Thanks to the support of our partners, the scope of our projects is constantly increasing.

4 years

of Foundation’s activity aimed at the development of Polish youth, 

8000 +

Beneficiaries per year participate in our events 

50 mln

That many people hear about our mission, projects and planned events in the media

Mini Grants

Mini Grants is a project aimed to increase the participation of Polish youth in public life. Programme participants will have an opportunity to obtain funding and take part in a dedicated series of workshops. Each project will additionally receive individual mentoring support.


Copernicus is a community that brings together Polish researchers and experts operating nationally and internationally that aims to spread the awareness of the latest achievements of Poles around the globe. The platform offers a possibility to establish scientific and business contacts among the members of the community, provides access to knowledge through popular science articles and podcasts and helps find the best job offers, research projects, grants and internships with partners of the programme.


As Paideia, we help young people plan their educational dream path. We prepare the candidates for entrance examinations, provide assistance in the application process for studies abroad and support in the development of skills and interests that may prove useful when planning a future career.

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