Our Future Foundation's projects
Our Future Foundation projects support educational and professional development of young Poles by providing equal opportunities for people from less privileged environments.
The Foundation’s activities to date, including its leading Scholarship Programme, allowed many students to get to the top universities in Europe, Asia or the USA. Thanks to the support of our partners, the scope of our projects is constantly increasing.
of Foundation’s activity aimed at the development of Polish youth,
Beneficiaries per year participate in our events
That many people hear about our mission, projects and planned events in the media
OFF scholarship programme
Every year, we run the Mentoring Programme for the most talented students from across Poland. The finalists receive our support on their way to the best universities in Europe, Asia and the USA, they’re individually mentored and have an opportunity to participate in a series of workshops and the Mentoring Cruise.
Scholarship Qualification
Through Scholarship Qualification we select a few dozen of the most talented young Poles who’ll take part in the Mentoring Programme. Applications are assessed based on educational achievements, social engagement and applicants’ motivation. A detailed recruitment process allows us to get to know the best candidates, adjust the Mentoring Programme to their needs and support the Grantees in maximising their potential.
Mentoring Cruise
Our Future Foundation Grantees participate in a week-long Mentoring Cruise in Masuria where they have an opportunity to exchange experiences with mentors and other grantees. Mentors help them establish individual development plans and prepare for the recruitment process which they subsequently work on throughout the year. During the cruise, they also participate in a series of workshops organised by Foundation’s partners, students, academicians and entrepreneurs.
Scholarship Gala
The Mentoring Programme is officially inaugurated with the Scholarship Gala where partners of the programme present the scholarships to the honoured grantees. At the Gala, the Grantees have an opportunity to meet the Foundation’s Mentors – students and graduates of the world-class universities such as Harvard University, the University of Cambridge or Oxford University and talk to the companies’ representatives.
Open events
Every year, Our Future Foundation organises a number of events to integrate young and ambitious Poles and offer them support in their educational and professional development. Our projects attract young people from all over Poland as well as from abroad.
Inspiration Initiative
Akcja Inspiracja is a nationwide series of meetings for in-school youths aimed to encourage young, ambitious people from smaller urban areas to engage in social and business activities. At each event, we develop soft skills and show the participants how they can shape their future career and navigate the professional and educational path.
Masterclass Workshops
Several times a year, a series of workshops is organised together with Our Future Foundation’s partners that involves business practitioners, journalists and academicians in order to impart practical knowledge to participants. The aim of the workshops is to introduce participants to the specifics of working in selected sectors and professions and put them in direct contact with potential employers.
Our Future Forum
Our Future Forum is the major educational conference in Poland attracting regularly more than 1000 young people from Poland and abroad. At the event, the leading representatives of the world of business, politics and social organisations discuss issues of particular interest to the modern youth.
Copernicus is a community that brings together Polish researchers and experts operating nationally and internationally that aims to spread the awareness of the latest achievements of Poles around the globe. The platform offers a possibility to establish scientific and business contacts among the members of the community, provides access to knowledge through popular science articles and podcasts and helps find the best job offers, research projects, grants and internships with partners of the programme.
As Paideia, we help young people plan their educational dream path. We prepare the candidates for entrance examinations, provide assistance in the application process for studies abroad and support in the development of skills and interests that may prove useful when planning a future career.